Renew Your SPIN Membership & Get a FREE One-Year Extension Frequently Asked QuestionsEligibility & RenewalWho is eligible for the free one-year membership extension?Current SPIN (individual) members who renew for the upcoming year.How do I renew my membership?Kindly visit and follow renewal instructions.What if I have already paid for 2023 and 2024?Your membership will be extended to 2025 at no additional cost.Membership BenefitsWhat benefits do I get as a SPIN member?Access to comprehensive knowledge resources, networking opportunities, and discounted training fees.Can I attend training sessions at discounted rates?Yes, as a SPIN member, you are eligible for discounted training fees.Outstanding DuesWhat if I have outstanding dues?Settle your account by paying up to the current year to qualify for the free membership extension.How do I check my outstanding dues?Contact the Secretariat on Feedback SurveyWhy should I take the membership feedback survey?Help SPIN improve its services and better serve members.How do I access the survey?Visit Membership Feedback Survey.GeneralWho do I contact for questions or concerns?Strategy and Membership Directorate at is the deadline for renewal?31st December, 2024.Additional FAQsHow will I receive confirmation of my renewal and extension?Via email.Can I renew my membership offline?Yes, contact: for assistance.How do I update my membership information?Send a request to: there any refunds for unused membership benefits?No, benefits are non-refundable