Membership Type * Renewal Membership Category * Fellow - N150,000Full - N80,000Associate - N50,000Student - Free Update Contact Information (if applicable) Title * Mr.Mrs.MissMsDr.Prof.Engr. Full Name * Job Title * Company Name * Email Address * Phone Number * Address * Professional Updates (if applicable) Total Years of Work Experience 0 - 1 year2 - 4 years5 - 10 years11 years and Above Total Years of Sustainability Experience No Sustainability ExperienceAt least 1 year2 - 5 years6 - 9 years10 years+ Attestation I hereby apply to renew my membership with the Sustainability Professionals Institute of Nigeria (SPIN), confirming that my information is up-to-date and accurate, agreeing to the terms and conditions, and acknowledging the Code of Ethics and renewal requirements.